Looking For Love In The Sand
By HealthLife Contributor
Updated: June 27, 2008
- Some women might take this the wrong way, but let them prove us wrong. If a woman
is at the beach in a bikini, the chances are high that she wants to be noticed.
Go ahead and notice her. Be careful not to stare and give her the impression that
you're some kind of creep though. Instead, gather your nerves and start a friendly
conversation with her. A simple "Hello" is not enough though. You have
to give her something that will have her thinking and looking for you the rest of
the day - a factor that will certainly open the door once she's bored of sitting
around all day.
- After the initial introduction, come back and offer her the chance to join you on
a walk to get a drink or whatever else they sell on the beach. Get her out of her
comfort zone and into yours. Chances are that if you made a strong enough impression
the first time, she's been waiting for you to come back all day.
- Attire is very important at the beach so remember two things: wear a cool-looking
pair of surfer shorts (not a pair of Speedos), and make sure to get yourself some
nice clear sun block.
- Add a nice pair of shades to tie everything together. Avoid sunglasses from a past
decade, unless you're trying to get her attention by being funny. One last thing,
take the glasses off when you eventually do decide to go talk to a girl.
The beach is a dangerous world where only the bravest or best-prepared men dare
to tread. However, with a little exercise, some wax, some UV lights and a little
confidence in yourself, you'll have the bunnies lining up. Remember that unlike
sharks, women don't bite and the worst they can ever do to you is say "No",
which is okay. After all, there really are plenty of fish in the sea, or in this
case at the beach.
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