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Benefits of Exercise Extend Into the Bedroom

By HealthLife Contributor
Updated: June 30, 2008
There are other muscles in the body that need working out besides the triceps and the biceps. Sex muscles also need to be exercised - but not in the way most would think.

  • Kegel exercises can help firm vaginal muscles, which in turn can result in increased muscle control that allows the vagina to actually grip on to the penis.
  • For men, Kegel exercises can strengthen the pubococcygeal muscles in the pelvis, which when used before orgasm, can actually delay ejaculation.
  • The best time for these important muscle exercises: anytime. All you have to do is clench, as if you are trying to stop the flow of urine. Starting with just 10 or 20 squeezes, you can eventually work your way up to 100 to 200 a day.
Exercises that target the pelvis and pelvic area can help improve the flexibility and overall strength of certain muscles, a factor that leads to increased sexual satisfaction. Use a firm mattress, wear loose-fitting clothes, and get ready for a workout that will have benefits that go beyond weight loss and increased muscle growth.

  • Pelvic lifts - Lie with your back flat on the floor and your knees bent and slightly apart. Keep your feet flat and your arms by your sides. Lift the pelvis up until your back is straight. Do not arch your back. Hold this position for ten seconds, then repeat as needed.
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  • Butterflies - Lie on your back is a position similar to that used during pelvic lifts. Pull your feet in until they touch your buttocks. Lower your knees slowly using your hands so that they eventually end up at your sides. Turn your ankles at the same time to allow the soles of your feet to touch each other. Hold this position for at least a minute, then slowly bring the knees back together, using your hands as guides.
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