» Dating and Love

Online Dating Tips for Women

By HealthLife Contributor
Updated: February 23, 2009
Finding your perfect soul make can often present a challenge. Office romances seem doomed to fail, bars and party circuits turn up one night stands, and the friend of a friend never seems to be the Prince Charming for whom you were hoping.

Internet dating is an entirely new avenue to pursue, but if you are new to the whole process, it can be both confusing and intimidating. What are the chances of finding that special someone online? While online dating can take the same amount of work and luck that it does at the bar or on a blind date, you can enjoy the process from the comfort of your own home. Here are some online dating tips for women to get you started in your search for Mr. Right.

Forget the nerd image

One of the first online dating tips for women is to forget the stigma associated with finding love through the computer. In today’s dating scene, online dating is no longer only for computer geeks or the truly desperate. Nearly everyone owns a computer these days, and much of the stigma of internet dating has gone out the window. Chances are you already know a friend or a friend of a friend that met their special someone online. The advantages are many – you can get to know someone before you ever have a “real” date, and you have a larger dating pool to consider. You can find someone across the country that you might never have bumped into otherwise.

Keep your standards, but be realistic

One of the best dating tips for women is to remember that you don’t have to lower your standards just because you are looking for love online. The great thing about online dating is that it allows you to look at all of the qualities of a potential date – from the superficial ones to the personal. There are many things to consider – from how tall he is and what color hair he has to the career level he works at and the religious affiliations he holds. While you could base your search based on looks alone, this isn’t a good idea. Remember to also think about other ways you can connect. Similar hobbies and activities, religious backgrounds, and future goals will give you more staying power in a relationship – as well as more to talk about once you hit that first date in person.

First impressions are important

When it comes to online dating tips for women, it is important to be honest. Your profile is your first impression. Start out with a current and attractive picture of yourself. If you have any special preferences, or anything that would totally break a relationship, let them be known right away. However, use caution that this doesn’t turn into a list of demands that will make you sound picky or controlling. Keep your profile upbeat and fun, and be sure to include those details that make you interesting and special and that will attract the interest of a future date.

Remember safety first

One of the more serious online dating tips for women is to remember to be safe. Sadly, there are some people that will use online dating sites as a way to take advantage of you, either by stealing personal information or worse. Don’t give away personal information like your home address, work address, or any financial information. You might even consider avoiding giving out a phone number until after you hit it off. Always meet dates in a public place. Let someone else know where you are going, or make it a double date with another friend and her date. If you ever feel uncomfortable with a person or a situation, leave and cut off contact.

Take it slow

Just like in the real world, there is a good chance that you will bump into several Mr. Wrongs online before you meet Mr. Right. Thus, the last of the online dating tips for women is to take it slow. Try not to take rejection personally – there are plenty of other men out there. And don’t feel like you need to date every man who sends you an email. Be willing to invest some time and energy into surfing the internet for the perfect partner – the same you would do if you were heading out to the club scene on Saturday night. Be realistic about your expectations, but don’t lower your standards. Remember, internet dating is supposed to be a fun alternative to dating your best friend’s neighbor’s gardener or hooking up with a fellow from the bar.
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