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Can Your Back Pain Be Cured with a Cortisone Injection?

By Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS Contributor
Updated: June 27, 2008
Meanwhile, let's get back to why you're still suffering. I believe it's because most traditional treatments focus only on symptoms. We, as patients, are partly to blame for this. We demand that someone do something for us - and quick. Heaven forbid we take some responsibility for our own health and learn what we can do for ourselves. Relying totally on someone else to take care of our problems is a prescription for disaster.

You need to understand that 99 percent of back pain is the result of a physical problem, which means it requires a physical solution - regardless of the type or severity of the condition. No pill, injection, or massage can deliver lasting physical changes in - or for - your body.

What I'm trying to say is that you are going to have to do some work, in the form of targeted exercise. Yes, it may be uncomfortable at times, and you aren't going to feel like doing it. And, yes, you're going to get frustrated, and you may feel like quitting. That's to be expected. But the alternative is to continue living with the pain. It's your choice.

I don't have space here to go into the specific types of exercises, but I can give you a formula that has brought unbelievable success to those who followed it.

Immediate steps to take

First, you must be willing to learn all you can about your condition, from symptoms to the various forms of treatments - even some that go back 2000 years. Next, you will have to find someone who is willing to treat both your symptoms and the underlying cause of your condition.
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I strongly recommend that you take a proactive approach to your current situation. You are lucky that you do not have pain. It is such a shame that millions of people are suffering from conditions that could have been prevented or corrected years ago, if only they understood how muscle imbalances affect our bodies.

What do I mean by the underlying cause of your condition? I don't care if you have a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, the two most fundamental factors responsible for the pain associated with your condition are the position of your pelvis and the curvature of your spine.

The next logical question is this: How did my pelvis and spine get out of proper alignment? The answer is that your muscles are out of balance with each other.

Muscle imbalances are the root cause of your condition and the reason you feel pain. By addressing these imbalances, you are killing two birds with one stone - you not only get rid of the pain but you also eliminate the cause.

As you go through recovery, you likely will try a number of techniques, which is fine. In fact, it's highly desirable. I strongly support incorporating a multi-dimensional strategy, including a natural approach to inflammation and spine decompression, as part of a comprehensive program.

A couple of final points about steroid injections. I've been working as a physical therapist for more than16 years, and I have not heard of a single case where they provided total and lasting relief. It's a sad truth that borders on criminal.

The second point is a cautionary tale: I have as a client an elite triathlete who comes to me to get a massage once a week. About five years ago, she had sciatica and went to a doctor who recommended a steroid injection. She agreed. Well, that doctor stuck that needle straight into her sciatic nerve and pushed the plunger. For legal reasons, I can't tell you what happened next, but I can tell you it wasn't good.

Remember, there is no silver bullet for back pain relief. So do your homework and then get busy.
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