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Using Vitamins in the War on Aging

By HealthLife Contributor
Updated: December 10, 2008
If you take a look at a picture of yourself ten years ago and a picture of yourself today, one of the biggest differences that you will notice is the presence of wrinkles. As we grow older, our skin becomes less elastic, and the resulting wrinkles are one of the biggest tell-tale signs of age. Many people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in an attempt to erase lines and crow's feet from your face, but is there a more straightforward, natural way to return some youthful elasticity to your skin? Take a look at some of the vitamins listed below to see which of these anti-wrinkle solutions is for you.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E can be found in many vegetables, whole grains, fruits, legumes and fish. One of the most important things that it does is that it restores much-needed moisture to your skin, keeps inflammation down and helps in the healing of damaged tissue. For instance, many doctors and dermatologists prescribe using vitamin E on scars or blemishes to return skin to its natural condition. You'll also find that with the improved blood flow and circulation that comes as a result of Vitamin E, you'll have more color and vibrancy to your skin tone, as well.

Vitamin C

Found in oranges but also in cruciferous vegetables, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, Vitamin C is well known for helping damaged tissue heal. The most important fact to be aware of here is that vitamin C is instrumental in the formation of collagen, a substance which keeps skin elastic. This vitamin also has well-known benefits in terms of keeping your blood pressure low and acting as an antioxidant.
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Vitamin A

Vitamin A is divided into two forms. The first, carotenoids are created from the body during the metabolic functions, while the second, retinoids, are supplied directly from food, but both will supply you with a great deal of good as far as your skin is concerned. You can get it directly from eggs, fish, and most dairy products, while your body will be able to make it if you eat a lot of spinach, yams, carrots and prunes. Vitamin A helps your skin repair itself as well as provides nutrients that are especially important for the skin.

B-complex Vitamins

By clearing the complexion and stimulating the way that the cells of your skin work, B-complex vitamins can round out your vitamin regimen. Like the other vitamins listed above, they will help heal the skin from normal day-to-day damage, and can be easily found in citrus fruits, oatmeal, beans and tuna.
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