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Walking It Off: How You Can Fit Walking Into Your Life

By HealthLife Contributor
Updated: June 30, 2008
Walking is some of the best exercise you can get. You don't need a lot of training to work up to it, it's low-impact, and you can work it into just about any schedule. You might not have enough time to put in two hours at the gym, but to make sure that you don't let fitness go entirely out the window, take a look at a few of these great tips for sneaking some walking into your day to day life.

1. Park further away

This is a great way to add a bit of walking time to your schedule when you're out shopping, and as an extra bonus, when you park in the middle of no where, you don't risk getting your car dinged!

2. Walk to get some lunch.

Do you have a cafe, restaurant or supermarket near where you work? Walk out and pick up something healthy.

3. Explore your neighborhood

What do you know about the area you live in? Walk in any given direction for ten minutes and walk back; chances are, you just walked a mile!

4. Get a pedometer

A pedometer is a great way to keep you motivated, and you can track your progress even if you're going from sink to couch. Try seeing how long it will take you to walk 500 miles.

5. Comparison shop!

This is great for your wallet and your waist. Walk around and compare prices and don't stop until you get the best deal you can.

6. Do it with a friend

If you're out with a friend, propose walking somewhere or walking while you're out. You'd be surprised how fast the time flies when you're chatting.
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7. Use your Walkman or iPod

Put on something you've been meaning to listen to and walk until that podcast or set of songs is over.

8. Books on tape

Books on tape can keep you walking to see what the next plot point is. Resolve to not listen unless you're walking and you can watch those miles fly by.

9. Be more helpful at work

Does someone need something run to the other side of the building? Offer to take it and you'll get a bit of a breather and chance to stretch.

10. Take advantage of strip malls.

If you love shopping, head to a mall where you have to walk to see what you want.

11. Treadmill

If you live in a cold or wet climate, having a treadmill in front of the TV can go a long way towards getting you up and moving.

12. Don't sit and wait

Whether you're filling a prescription or parked at the DMV, take some time and pace around, this is a great way to make the miles start adding up.

13. Do your chores!

Housework will keep you up and moving and at the end, you have a dusted, vacuumed, and swept home and a good half mile walk to show for it.

14. Have kids...

... or borrow them as a babysitter. Keeping up with small kids is a great way to get moving and fast!

15. Make it a habit

However you decide you want to walk, do it regularly. Eventually, your body will get used to it, and it will feel strange to go without.
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