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Seven Diet Secrets Revealed

By HealthLife Contributor
Updated: December 10, 2008
When trying to lose weight there are many ways to make or break your diet plan. There are ways to maximize your benefits from any weight loss plan. Seven important diet secrets that can help you to reach your weight loss goals are included in this article.

1. Do not eat on the run. You should relax and enjoy your food. Don't try to scarf it down as fast as you can. You can make conversation and spend some time with your food rather than trying to swallow down a full meal in ten to fifteen minutes. This will give you time to learn how your body reacts to food so you can tell if you are truly hungry and when you are approaching the end of your meal you should be able to tell that you are satisfied as well.

2. Choose a variety. If you are limiting your food choices you are limiting your nutrition and your body has to work harder to pull nutrients from the few foods you do include while being deficient in other nutrients. If you choose a variety of foods and eat a small portion of each you have a much more satisfying diet and you will be much more successful in your weight loss efforts. Your body needs to have essential fatty acids and protein and a variety of foods including vegetables, grains, fruits and dairy products to remain healthy. If you are not supplying these your body will not release fat stores easily.

3. Stop eating before you are full. If you wait until you are full before you stop eating you are overeating. Your body doesn't send the signals that you are full until your stomach is actually becoming overfilled and if you haven't stopped until this point you still have food on its way to the stomach. If your goal is to become smaller you need to break this habit of overeating.
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4. Do not eat while doing other activities. If you practice eating your favorite snack while watching a movie, sitting in front of the television, or having a small get together with friends after dinner you are adding calories to your body that aren't needed. Once you get into this habit you can find that any excuse cam trigger an eating binge. Be in control of what goes into your body and don't mindlessly eat while you are doing other activities. Eat at the table and when you are finished leave the table.

5. Eat fresh foods whenever possible. With preservatives we can eat most anything on any day of the year, but this doesn't mean we should. If you practice eating fresh fruits and vegetables and fresh cuts of meats and fish you will get more vitamins and minerals from your foods and they will be more satisfying. Don't buy precooked foods or prepackaged foods. Make your own and you will not only be able to control what is going into your meals, but you will be able to enjoy better tasting and more nutritious meals as well.

6. Avoid foods that are highly refined. Refined sugars and processed and refined grains are turned directly to body fat once they are ingested. These are lacking in nutrition and usually lacking in fiber. Your digestive tract was not built to handle these foods and they will cause you to stall when you are trying to lose weight.

7. Don't go on a diet. If you tell yourself you are on a diet your mind can play tricks on you. Telling yourself you can't have something often turns into cravings for that food. If you want to lose weight then make the needed lifestyle changes by increasing your activity and changing your dietary choices. If you decide you can't go without your favorite peanut butter and chocolate ice cream then have some, but make sure you are watching your portions and you make wise choices to balance this out.

If you follow these secrets your success rate with any plan will be greatly increased. Weight loss is something that takes time. If you are seriously working toward losing the weight you have accumulated you will be successful with a few lifestyle changes along with these tips.
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