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Regular Exercise: A Solution To These - 10 So-Called "Age-Related" Illnesses

By John Benson Contributor
Updated: June 28, 2008
Stroke. Active folks are 25 percent less likely to have a stroke than their sedentary counterparts. This is because of a lowered blood pressure, improved HDL cholesterol and a subsequent reduction in blood clots. Regular activity protects the arteries that feed the brain as well as the heart. High blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for any stroke, so any way you can reduce it, go for it. Genes sometimes play a part here, and not much can be done about this except to stay as healthy as possible. (Editor's Note: Stroke risk can be cut in half with simple aspirin therapy, under a doctor's supervision. However, if you cannot take aspirin, there are wonderful natural alternatives. Other than exercise and nutrition, you can take fish oil and eat organic berries to help reduce inflammatory responses naturally.)

Muscles. Both women and men find that as we age, muscles start to just wither away. It starts in the 40s for women and in the late 50s for men. For every decade after 50, we all lose some 6 percent of our muscle mass, leading to a 10 to 15 percent loss of our strength. But hey, we can build lots of that back up with strength training exercises. The earlier we start, the better. Even 100-year-olds can show some gain. So get started tomorrow. (Editor's Note: I did not write "get started tomorrow", in case you're wondering! This is absolutely wonderful advice. If you cannot train with weights or get to a gym, check out Dov Orshi's Anti-Aging Fitness Program, now available when you purchase the Fit Over 40 Deluxe Edition.)

Bones. Fragile bones cause more than 1.5 million fractures each year in this country, but the disintegration starts decades before cracks appear. Bones can respond to activity, strength training and medicine, but this must be done only after a medical evaluation and prescription to help prevent any more bone loss. (Editor's Note: What is rarely mentioned when it comes to bone loss is the connection to age-related hormones and exercise. The decrease in testosterone is actually the leading cause of bone density issues, with calcium depletion being a distant second - and a symptom of the former. To increase testosterone naturally, increase your healthy fats, as covered in Fit Over 40, and begin resistance training.)
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Mental health. Those who are active are less likely to develop depression, and regular activity can really help if you are already depressed. The right exercise seems to be more effective than increased socialization, antidepressant drugs or cognitive behavioral therapy, according to a recent study of 2,000 people.(Editor's Note: The study I mentioned in one of my recent newsletters proved that mild to moderate depression, which accounts for over 75% of treated depression, can be managed just as effectively with regular exercise as opposed to medication. Combine this with proper nutrition, which helps to balance blood sugar and serotonin levels, and you have a natural way to fight the blues. Severe depression should always be treated under a physician's care.)

Weight. Weight gain is a real problem for those of us who are growing older. Often, our appetites for great food do not decrease, but our ability to maintain a high level of activity is seriously reduced. Watching TV is one of our prime enemies. I would be hard-pressed to throw out my late-night viewing of great old movies, but I make it a rule to never watch daytime TV except to keep an eye on the weather if needed. As we age, gaining weight and losing fitness go with the territory, so we must be vigilant and dedicated to get ourselves out there. We can easily gain 5 pounds a year by doing nothing, and often, this weight goes to the belly, the most dangerous place. Maintaining lost weight requires more physical activity than losing it in the first place. Those folks who have lost 30 to 50 pounds need to get in 60 to 90 minutes a day of real activity to maintain the loss. (Editor's Note: What can I say to this one? We all know about weight gain. The question is simple: what are you going to do about it? Do you realize that the role models in Fit Over 40 either maintain or lose body fat as they grow older? There's not one exception to this! See for yourself. Not only is it "possible", it's actually the natural way to age. Only in modern times have we become sedentary long before our days were up.)

Immune system.If you frequently get colds, you might need to boost your immune system. Thirty to 45 minutes of walking about five days a week is good, but for sure, don't overdo it. Marathon runners have a higher risk of colds after a race because immune function goes down after a prolonged, intense bout of exercise. The same is true for inflammation. Regular exercise can reduce inflammation, but watch anything more strenuous because you can make things worse. (Editor's Note: I take 4,000-8,000 mg of Ester C in capsule form per day. The result: no colds or cases of the flu in 8 years. I came down with a mild case of the flu this year after trying to go without C for six months. I will not repeat that mistake!)

The bottom line, according to the Nutrition Action Health Letter, is that you should shoot for 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, jogging or swimming to lower the risks of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer. To keep off substantial amounts of lost weight, shoot for 60 to 90 minutes a day. To build muscle and prevent bone loss, do strength training at least twice a week.
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