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Which Turbulence Training Workout Should I Use?

By Craig Ballantyne Contributor
Updated: June 24, 2008
With Turbulence Training for Fat Loss, there are a lot of workouts to choose from.

So why did I create so many fat burning programs?

Because you need to have variety in your workouts to keep on boosting your metabolism, and burning fat month after month.

If you did the same workout program for 3 months straight, your results would screech to a halt after 5 or 6 weeks.

With the Turbulence Training fat loss program, you will be able to change your workouts every 4 weeks. Each time you do that, you'll kickstart your fat burning and your metabolism to a new level.

You must change your workout every 3-4 weeks.

Unfortunately, with so many Turbulence Training workouts, people often ask, "Which program should I start with?". So here are the fat burning guidelines you need to get the most out of
Turbulence Training no matter what your fitness level...

1) The Best Program for a Total BEGINNER

Overweight, sedentary beginners should start with the Introductory Program in the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.

If you haven't been doing any exercise, you must start there. No
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The bodyweight exercises will prepare your muscles for all future workouts, and will prevent the overuse injuries people usually get when they start a high-volume cardio program (which is the worst thing an overweight person can do for weight loss).

2) The Best Program for an Experienced Lifter Who Has NOT Exercised in the Last 4 Weeks

Please start with the Intermediate Workout from the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program.

BUT NOTE: Do only ONE SET per exercise in each workout in the first week.

This will prevent you from being excessively sore from the
exercises, which can occur when you have been away from exercise for so long.

3) The Best Program For ADVANCED Fitness & Fat Loss

I suggest you start with the "Original Turbulence Training Workout" from the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.

Work your way through each following three advanced workouts in the manual.

Upon completion of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts from the main manual, you can move onto the bonus workouts in this order:

A) If you are a women that wants to put the final touches on a female physique, use the Turbulence Training for Women workout.

B) If you are a man that wants to build muscle, use the TT for Muscle program.

C) If you want to keep burning fat, move to the DB-BW Fusion Workout.

D) Follow that with the 30-Day Advanced Fat Loss program.

E) And finally, finish with the Advanced Fusion Fat Loss 4-Week Program.

At any time you are traveling or want a break from the dumbbell workouts, you can use the beginner, intermediate, or advanced bodyweight program from the Original Bodyweight 4-Week TT workout.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

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