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Working Out at Home: 5 Tips for Doing It Right

By Jeff Anderson Contributor
Updated: September 07, 2008
Working out in a gym isn't for everyone. Maybe you're short on time, maybe you just can't stand the Celine Dion being pumped in through the loud speakers. Whatever the reason, it's possible to effectively train in a home gym. Be aware that it's not without its potential pitfalls. Working out at home takes an increased level of commitment and self-discipline.

Here are five tips for successfully working out at home, including setting up a home gym:

1. Stay far away from fitness equipment scams

Here's the scene: It's 3 o'clock in the morning, and one of those infomercials for the latest breakthrough in home fitness equipment comes on. In your vulnerable state of insomnia, the all-in-one gym (available for the low, low price of $29.95 a month—and it comes with a free set of steak knives!) starts to sound like a great idea. Trust me, the reason why so many of these gadgets end up on eBay is because they're cheap in design and manufacturing. Save your money!

2. Plan ahead

Create a schedule for yourself and stick to it. There are always ample excuses for not going to the gym. Well guess're going to find even MORE excuses not to work out at home. Set aside specific times (down to the minute!) for your workout and let nothing short of an A-bomb interfere.

3. Define your workout goals

Sit down and write out your workout goals. Once you know what you're trying to achieve, you'll know what pieces of equipment to buy. You don't want to waste space or money on equipment that won't contribute to your training.
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4. Buy the right equipment and give it its own space

I know I'm beating up on those infomercial home gyms, but I've got to make one last point...

Those "fold away and tuck under the bed" contraptions aren't what you need.

Instead, you should devote a space exclusively to your home gym. It will free you from distractions, and it will help get you in a warrior mindset.

As far as WHAT equipment you should be looking at, ideally, your home gym will include the following pieces items...

Minimum Home Gym Equipment:

* A well padded "bench" that can also be set to an "incline" angle all the way up to a seated position.

* A barbell and dumbbells with enough free-weights to keep from exchanging plates at the end of every set

* A chin-up bar - these are cheap and great for working your arms (pull-ups), back (chin-ups) and abs (leg & knee raises) and other muscle groups if you get creative!

* A training log or notebook (yes...this is an IMPORTANT piece of equipment! You can pick up my favorite training log for free at:

* Stereo with giant speakers (so you can blare your old Motley Crue albums and get the blood pumping!)

"Extra" Home Gym Equipment

* Squat Rack (if you want some serious gotta squat!)

* "Exer-Ball" (the giant rubber balls you bend backwards over to work your abs)

* One or two full-length mirrors (so you can admire your growing biceps at the end of an insane set of curls!)

And when the next tax check comes in...get a set of cross cables to round out the package (if you don't have room in the basement, maybe it's time to move one of your kids out into the garage, eh?)
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