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Help! Help! I Just Ate A Carbohydrate!

By Jeff Anderson Contributor
Updated: June 12, 2008
I think I finally realized that the low carb craze spreading across the globe has ultimately reached a level of obsession when I was standing next to my car at a local convenient store, pumping gas.

While listening to the canned music coming from the speakers overhead, the music was suddenly interrupted to broadcast an advertisement...for the "LOW CARB SLIM JIM™"!

Yes...the Slim Jim™! Those spicy, greasy sticks of leftover processed meat found on store counters all over the world are here to give dieters everywhere the assistance they've been looking for to finally trim those waistlines and let those abs poke through!

Of course, you should ignore the 13 grams of fat in every slimy stick you pop into your eager little mouth, right? Or at least that's what the company would LIKE you to think, because everyone now knows that it's the CARBOHYDRATE that's your true enemy in the fight against fat right?


Ads abound for unhealthy products that love to claim low carb in order to lure the uneducated dieter into their tangled web of deceit while adding unnecessary inches to their waistline.
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Regardless of whether you're looking to gain muscle mass or lose body fat, diet will make up the foundation of your program, and understanding the truth behind carb consumption will make or break your chances for success.

Here are 7 FACTS ABOUT CARBOHYDATES that you need to know before customizing your diet plan:

FACT 1: A Carb Is Not A Carb Is Not A Carb

All carbohydrates are NOT alike, but rather come in two forms: those that break down almost as soon as they hit your stomach (called High-Glycemic Index or High-"GI" carbs) and include such foods as pastries, mashed potatoes, white bread, white rice, fruit juices, etc., and those that digest more slowly in your body (called Low-Glycemic Index or Low-"GI" carbs) such as most fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, etc.

As you're about to learn, each type of carb has a very different effect on your body and knowing when and how to eat each will make or break your success. Read on...

FACT 2: Low-Gl Carbs Help Burn Fat And Fuel Your Day

Since low-glycemic carbs don't digest as quickly, when your body is looking for energy it will decide to look toward your fat cells for the fuel it needs. That means that a steady, regulated supply of the right amount of low-GI carbs will help you burn fat all day long while providing you with the energy you need to make it through the rest of your day.

As an added bonus, low-GI carbs contain more nutrients and fiber which will give you a more "full" feeling and help you avoid those cravings you're about to learn about in FACT 3...

FACT 3: High-Gl Carbs Trigger Fat Storage...MOST Of The Time

Since high-GI foods digest so quickly, they trigger your body to release insulin which forces your body to look to what you just ate or drank for fuel rather than using your fat stores.

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