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Boomerang World

By Vic Johnson
Goal Achieving Expert
Updated: September 21, 2008
I recently read an article by Tim Wright about boomerangs. He was recalling how fascinated we were with boomerangs as kids. There was this flat, curved piece of wood and you would throw it and watch in amazement as it curves around and comes right back to you.

His analogy was that as "miraculous" as that seemed when we were kids, he found that most of our life is like that. Whatever we "throw" out there, comes back to us.

We live in a boomerang world. Now that sounds a little strange to say, but he goes on to explain that if we smile at someone, in almost every case, they will smile back. If you are kind to someone, they will usually be kind in return.

He also pointed out that it also works in the other direction. If you complain, they will ‘share' their complaints with you. If you get angry at someone, they will usually get angry with you.
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Let's think about that for a minute….whatever you decide to "throw" out into the world will usually circle around and land right back at your feet. Like a boomerang.

I love it! We have talked about everything we do in life is our choice. Live your life by design. There is responsibility for our actions. So if we choose what to "throw' out into our world…it stands to reason that we are choosing what is going to land at our feet!

What do you want? Think about it. If you are living your life by design, what do you really want?

If you want a more loving relationship – be a more loving partner. If you want more joy and happiness – throw it out there and watch it come back to you. I agree with Tim. He says, "It even works with money. Need money? Give some away. (Spiritual leaders from the beginning of time have been telling us this, but most of us are afraid to believe it.) It works in just about every area of our life. When we give something away, when we "throw" it out there, it comes back to us."

If you don't like how life is responding to you….look in the mirror. It's not about the other person changing…it is about you changing. Life responds to you. You have to give in order to receive. You will get back more than what you throw out. Plant a seed…you get more than one seed back…you get hundreds! It has also been said that you reap what you sow. What are you sowing?

Wow! How different will your life be by choosing what you are planting each and everyday? Choose what you want to come back and land at your feet.

Remember the boomerang! It begins with you.
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