I was speaking to a great woman the other day, she’s one of my clients who I have a tremendous amount of respect for, and we came to a conclusion which I’d like you to participate in…
We decided that a person can make far greater advancements in their life (and in their pursuit of a great body) if they “teach”, rather than just sitting back and learning from me. So here’s an amazing exercise that she and I developed that I invite you to do as well…
If you’re having any troubles with late night cravings, or sticking to your program in social situations, or finding time to exercise, or visualizing yourself having already achieved your goal body, or any other part of this program … then take on the roll of teacher and “teach” someone else how to overcome that obstacle.
Here’s what I’m suggesting…
Sit down and write out, in detail, an article. In that article “teach” the audience how to overcome that obstacle.
This exercise WILL transform you from someone who has difficulty reaching a goal, into an expert on reaching their goal. Do this exercise for each and every obstacle you encounter, and I promise you, you’ll be amazed, shocked, and very grateful for the results you experience.