Desserts Recipes
Ready Time: 1 Hr 15 Min
"This recipe was originated by one of my mom's friends, who made it totally from scratch one night at a homeless shelter, when they ran out of ingredients. They used whatever they had. It was served, and the people loved it! This recipe has been passed around ever since! It's a delicious cake that people go ga-ga over! It's best when made the day before. Frost with whipped topping and serve with fresh fruit."
Ready Time: 40 Min
"This recipe was given to me by my grandmother 10 years ago. They were always a HUGE hit at work pig-outs and now my family loves them! A wonderful soft cookie that is incredibly chocolaty."
Ready Time: 2 Hrs
"This is an easy yet elegant butter-pecan cookie shaped to resemble an acorn and dipped in melted chocolate chips and chopped pecans."
Ready Time: 1 Hr 30 Min
"Why smash perfectly good cookies just to make another batch of cookies? 'Cause they're YUMMY! Made with crushed sandwich cookies, the small pieces of broken cookie dust make the dough speckled - I've been told they look like they're made with dirt!"
Ready Time:
"This cookie is chocolatey, chewy and sweet."
Ready Time: 20 Min
"These cookies were always my favorite after-school treat. I could hardly wait to get home for my snack of gingersnaps and a tall glass of milk. Whenever I think of that special snack, I recall the warmth of home filled with the spicy aroma of ginger!"
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"I have tried several pie crust recipes, but they just did not turn out right. So I changed the quantities and added and took away some ingredients and made a delicious pie crust. This recipe has never failed me."
Ready Time: 45 Min
"This raspberry ice cream pie with a meringue top is a favorite dessert in a lodge here in the mountains!"
Ready Time:
"These cookies are really good served with vanilla ice cream because they have a Big chocolate flavor. For chocolate lovers everywhere!"
Ready Time: 20 Min
"Sweet, red strawberries combined with pretty, tart blueberries, all layered atop a creamy vanilla pudding...that makes a red-white-and-blue pie that my grandmother would serve every Fourth of July!"