By James Barber M.D.
How is a facelift done?
During a typical facelift, your surgeon will make incisions that start just behind
your earlobes. He will bring these around your ear and into your hairline where
scars will not be noticeable. Once the incisions are made he will free the skin
from it current position on the tissue and pull it up and back. Some tissue adjustments
may also be made to enhance the younger appearance. Additionally he or she may make
a small incision below the chin and remove fatty tissue to help smooth the chin
and neck.
S-shaped or short-scarred facelift are a newer, less invasive procedure for younger
patients who are experiencing moderate laxity of the lower face. They are also good
for patients who wish to restore the initial effects of an earlier facelift. In
this operation, a small s-shaped incision is made with the curvature of the ear.
Recovery times are less and scars are smaller.
Some patients who only need very small, very specific work done may be eligible
for endoscopic facelifts. A scope, or small tube, is used and scars are a few carefully
placed dots. Recovery times are much shorter with this procedure.
What should I do before surgery?
Certain precautions can be taken to maximize the safety and effectiveness of your
facelift. Your surgeon will give you the specific instructions that relate to you
personally, but here is what you can expect. Stop smoking. Permanently is best and
will enhance your results, but for safety you will need to stop smoking for a week
or two before and after surgery. Your surgeon will give you the specific instructions
that relate to you personally, but here is what you can expect. Stop smoking. Permanently
is best and will enhance your results, but for safety you will need to stop smoking
for a week or two before and after surgery. You will given specific instructions
for each and every medication or supplement that you take. If you have short hair,
you may choose to let it grow a little longer to cover your incisions during the
healing process. Finally, you will want to make all of the necessary preparations
for time off and needed care during your recovery.
What happens on the day of my operation?
Facelifts can be performed in a number of places. Hospitals, outpatient facilities,
and office surgical suite are all options. Most procedures, regardless of where
they are performed, will be outpatient, but in some cases a one night stay will
be required.
Your anesthesia can be administered locally (to the effected area), but general
(sleep tight) anesthesia is more common. Either way you will not feel anything during
the actual procedure. Naturally, your vitals will be constantly monitored as with
any other operation.
Once your surgery has been completed, you will awaken in a recovery room with bandages
wrapped around your face like a mummy. Often, there will be tubes beneath your bandages
to assist in draining fluids. You should not experience much pain, and you will
be prescribed medication to help minimize it.
What is the recovery schedule?
In the initial week following your surgery, your swelling increase until it peak
and then begin to subside. Your bandages will be removed, allowing you to bath or
shower with extreme caution. Your stitches will be removed by your doctor unless
they are designed to dissolve naturally. Very light, non-strenuous activity may
be permitted, but you will need to keep your head safely elevated. You will be allowed
to use certain kinds of make-up to help hide the temporary discoloration.
By the second week, most of the bruises will go away. You will be able to resume
most of your normal activities, but nothing strenuous. During this week you must
still be cautious and try to keep your head somewhat elevated.
Within several weeks of surgery your swelling will completely subside, allowing
you to see your results. You will be permitted to resume exercise and more strenuous
work after examination and approval by your doctor. You may still experience some
numbness for up to several months, this is not certain, but not uncommon. It is
also important to note that you must avoid direct sun exposure and use sun block
during your recovery. To maximize your results, you will want to continue to use
sun block whenever you are excessively exposed.
When will I see my surgeon?
You will have a few follow-up visits during your recovery period to assess your
progress. You may also be asked to return once the final results have set it to
evaluate your results and answer your questions.
How long will my facelift last?
The two factors that affect the results of your facelift are heredity and lifestyle.
While there isn't too much you can do about heredity, lifestyle has the biggest
effect and can be modified accordingly. Smoking and sun exposure are the biggest
concerns here, as they will cut years off your results. Weight management is also
a concern. Gaining or losing an excessive amount of weight will change your results
as well. For most patients, a facelift last for several years, at which point some
maintenance work is desired.